We have placed investment properties under contract to be used for our Airbnb Cash Flow System in Ghana, Africa. Become a member of our Wealth Intentions Network.
We are building luxury estates for the diaspora to return home to their Promised Land according to prophecy. Become a member of our Wealth Intentions Network.
We have returned to the covenant land of our ancestors to engage in profitable sustainable agriculture to feed the world. Become a member of our Wealth Intentions Network.
We have secured a large waterfront plot of land, and now we are ready to develop it into a beach resort for the diaspora. Become a member of our Wealth Intentions Network.
We have secured lands close to an airport to develop a self-sustainable community for the diaspora returning home. Become a member of our Wealth Intentions Network.
We are giving back, building schools, creating employment, and transforming villages into self-sustainable cities. Become a member of our Wealth Intentions Network.